Automated translation
with open source language models
fairtranslate offers more than 15 language pairs based on the Argos and Opus-MT language models.
The service is hosted in Europe using the LibreTranslate software framework in the fairkom cloud computing cluster, climate-neutral and fully GDPR-compliant. It is ideal for the integration of WPML on Wordpress.
Open source language models
over 15 languages
hosted in Europe
English | Spanish | French | German |
Polish | Portuguese | Italian | Czech |
Slovak | Danish | Dutch | Hungarian |
Russian | Ukrainian | Finnish | Esperanto |
...more to come.
Translate any text or upload a file
(.txt, .odt, .odp, .docx, .pptx, .epub, .html).
Automatic translation service for
WordPress Multilingual Plugin WPML.
Translation API key with optional
Transposer queing engine for your application.
sales [at] fairkom.eu (sALES[at]FAIRKOM[dot]EU)

If you decide to translate your website with WPML and fairtranslate, you will benefit from high-quality translations and first-class technical support. We are in constant contact with the OnTheGoSystems (WPML) team. This makes the process of creating a multilingual website straightforward and efficient.
Display Europe aims to provide citizens across the continent with trusted information and perspectives that are often overlooked by mainstream and national media. By focusing on translation, syndication and originally produced content, Display Europe aims to provide a comprehensive view of Europe
Priority support
Our technical team is on hand to provide you and your customers with first-class support to resolve technical issues quickly.
Multilingual websites made easy
You can create any type of multilingual content on WordPress.
Whether e-commerce sites, company presentations or directories - we translate your content for every theme without any effort.
Compatibility with the best tools
WPML is compatible with the most popular WordPress plugins and themes.
Particularly noteworthy are the integrations for WooCommerce, ACF, Gravity Forms and many other important tools.
Translation Management
This WPML feature is aimed at customers who translate complex websites and work with translation services. It eliminates the need to manually monitor translation progress and track the status of individual content.
How to create a multilingual WordPress website
If you want to create a multilingual website, we recommend this guide.
Support required?
We offer qualified IT experts who can provide you with comprehensive support for the integration and implementation of multilingual websites. With our specialized know-how, we ensure that your website works seamlessly and efficiently in multiple languages.